
Cafe Press FTC Settlement Create and implement a discard procedure

Would you like more information about FTC and CafePress settlements? CafePress, an online marketplace that offers customizable products, was apparently subject to data protection violations. The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) took swift action.

Many people are interested in learning how this will be solved in Canada and the United Kingdom. The Commission suggests that the corporation improve information security. Cafe Press FTC settlement. Continue reading.

The Settlement

The Federal Trade Commission reached a deal over a 2019 data breach that exposed millions. CafePress was fined $500,000 and ordered to improve its security. CafePress’ former owner must now pay half a million dollars to small businesses.

E-commerce websites should use authentication to limit data collection and protect users’ Social Safety numbers after placing the final order. Every year, an external audit must be performed.

Cafe Press FTC settlement

This settlement shows that Chair Lina Khan took proactive steps to prevent any data privacy violations. Biden’s nominee as President has also pledged to pursue these issues more vigorously in the context of a comprehensive regulatory strategy.

CafePress reached an agreement regarding a hacker attack on web company computers in February 2019. The data leaked included information about 20 million client credentials and email addresses, as well as 180,000 personal details. Cafe Press FTC resolution was launched following FTC charges against the site for failing to implement adequate security safeguards and keeping data too long.

Create and implement a discard policy.

Federal legislation, business processes, and other factors should ensure that users’ data is not kept for more than necessary. FTC claimed CafePress stored client information permanently on its system, which poses a risk to users despite the fact that there may have been a business use for such data.

Cafe Press FTC resolution states that customers’ data must be deleted when it is not used for a valid business or regulatory purpose.


The FTC has charged CafePress with failing to take sufficient security precautions to protect its network’s sensitive information. CafePress Corporation must improve information security. CafePress Corporation was also subject to a $500,000 settlement.

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